Teaser - "Quick Filter" Shortcut

Filtering a table or query-set by one of it's resulting fields is super common and while I have a (wonderful) system in place for this - I wanted to make an alternate "quick(er)" method of doing it.
Here is a GIF of the "manual way" (which is still damn quick, IMHO) up top and the "quick" way on the bottom (which saves a couple clicks - but hey, clicks are life!).
Slight sidestep from "Rabbit AI" - added a quicker way to create a table filter for my upcoming SQL canvas tool.
— Ryan Robitaille (@ryrobes) March 24, 2023
Super common op w exploring, I wanted to remove a few clicks & drags from it.
GIF - the manual way & then the "quick way". pic.twitter.com/0KukTyqViR
I'm against "magic" in UI operations generally, but in this case all it is doing is several steps at once - besides, it still feels like a first-class UI operation (on par with a row-count, group-by, etc) so it fits here well I feel and doesn't violate this "black-box of magic" principle.